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Science Friday - September 27

 Each Friday we publish a recap of the most exciting science news for the week. Enjoy!
  • Medicine - A team of software and biomedical engineers, neuroscientists, surgeons, and prosthetists has made a bionic leg that responds directly to human thought, with articulated toes and everything. But can it take penalty kicks? Read this entire amazing article here.
  • Biology - Scientists recently discovered the fossil of a fish that lived 419 million years ago that has the same jawbone as vertebrates. That's right, it's the oldest organism known to have a face, which is pretty important. Apparently the human face is related to the fish face, which you can see if you try to feed your kids green beans. Check out the picture of this fossil.
  • Physics - Researchers at the University of Arkansas showed that, when you quickly cool water from room temperature all the way down to -87°F (which may be cold to you and me, but it’s sweater weather, universe-wise), it starts to act a little strangely. That is, it expands quickly and starts to look a lot like ice, but without the, you know, solid part. While this happens in a matter of microseconds, this discovery could change the way we freeze things: food, transplant organs, etc. Article about the freezy guy.
  • Physics - Good news, everyone! There’s lots of water on Mars. Curiosity recently took a sample of Martial soil and found that roughly 2% of it was good old-fashioned H2O. Curiosity has also found plenty of evidence of water erosion on the surface, leading us to believe that there were river systems and large bodies of water at one point in Martian history. It’s also good news for any future Mars colonists, though you might want to mix something in with it. Mmm, Mars Kool-Aid.
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